The Last XOXO: 2024

When the Andys announced a final XOXO this year, I immediately applied and bought tickets. My first XOXO was the fourth iteration in 2015, making 2024 my fourth time attending. In past years I had a little group I mostly sat with in Revolution Hall, and until 2019 I was able to commute from my house in NE Portland every day. Initially I was drawn in by the speakers and games, but as I made new friends, the community kept me coming back.

Outpost & EnthCo

6 years ago, I lived in Portland and XOXO launched an Outpost co-working studio/recording space. I got invited to join and use their cool airstream to record podcasts and a day long set of interviews cohosted by Laura Hall for which the memory card was lost in 2016. When our space was unaffordable, a few of us started the Enthusiasm Collective and kept a studio space until COVID made it untenable. We had weekly show and tell, and the energy of the artists, writers, and creators in this space was inspiring. This is where I met Matt Bogart and Jesse Holden, Dan Hon , and got to know Mo much better. The Nib ran out of EnthCo, so I got to kick it with Eleri, who’s husband also lifted at my gym.

At one point, my house’s bathroom was torn down to the studs due to a black mold issue, so a studio with a shower and a working toilet was not just fun, it was a prudent investment.

My memories of this studio space are mostly of the people I met, which is also the lasting memory I’ll have of XOXO. The friends we made along the way, etc.

Return to Portland

This year, I flew to Portland on Wednesday with my bike checked under the plane, and an N95 mask strapped to my face. I stayed at the Hoxton, due to the Jupiter selling out, but knew it was just a short bike ride to Rev Hall. My priority was catching up with friends, so I had dinner with Mark at Basilisk (I love you Basilisk) and a bike ride with Mehan who weren’t attending this year. Phenry stayed at my hotel, which meant breakfast/coffee adventures pre-festival too.

Landing at PDX and seeing the new terminal was awesome. I’ve flown in and out of PDX more than any other airport, and it’s great to see it just get better and better over the years. I want cool wooden ceilings in more buildings. I also took the opportunity to use MAX to and from the airport since it would be easier to carry my bike bag that way, and it was ideal. BART and Muni go to more places, but MAX is simple and pleasant.

Missing everything

On Thursday, after my bike ride, I went to the opening party evening and was immediately overwhelmed by seeing dozens of people I hadn’t seen since 2019. The rain couldn’t keep the party down, and we drank NA beer and chatted/danced/gamed until late, when Neven and Christa graciously gave Phenry, myself, and my bike a ride home. Friday I slept in a little, but made it for the opening and spent the afternoon talking to friends again. That night I left XOXO for a friend’s birthday party at DAME in NE Portland, and a lot of lovely wine.

Saturday I basically missed everything. I woke up late; thinking I would at least get to watch talks online later, but fully planning to attend the afternoon sessions. A walk with friends across the river, an unwisely high dose of edibles, and a wardrobe change that turned into a five hour nap ended that plan. In the end, I made it back in time to see Andy and Andy thank everyone, and then watch Karaoke.

My only advice is if you are going on a long walk, don’t take a high dose of THC if you plan to go see human people later that day. At least the nap helped.

I heard the talks were great though, so I look forward to watching them on my tv in a month or two. I revisit various XOXO talks semi-regularly as it is, as so many are timeless.

Sunday I decided to see no one, sit outside and eat, then buy a few books at Powell’s and head home.


Unfortunately, out of the 1000+ participants and attendees of XOXO, I was one of 10 or so people who came home with a COVID souvenir. The festival had excellent masking rules, and my only guess is that I picked-up COVID elsewhere when unmasked. So far everyone I spent time with has tested negative, which rules, and I’m on the mend with taste-bud destroying Paxolovid and some sick days on the docket. This entire post was written during day 2 of COVID so if it’s all over the place that’s where my brain is at. I did just book the wrong hotel in Japan, so…

It’s never fun to get sick, but I’m so glad I didn’t test positive until I got home, or even feel bad until Sunday night. The Andys showed you can do a safer festival during the ongoing COVID situation, even during a surge.

Next time?

There may not be another XOXO, but if either Andy, or any of my friends put together a festival or hangout in the future, I’ll be there. All the relationships and creative endeavors that started at XOXO can continue on past the festival that spawned them, and it’s so cool to see the folks I linked above thriving and creating still.

I’m not usually one for parties or big events though, so ideally I’ll get to have a nice dinner or go see a movie with everyone I know from XOXO individually or in small groups every month for the rest of time. A girl can dream.